Women In Forestry

FPAC launches #TakeYourPlace campaign to highlight women in the workforce

February 11, 2019
Presented by:
Canadian Biomass
Women in Forestry

Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is proud to be participating in the United Nations’ International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Established in 2015, this global initiative promotes equal access to science education, training, and employment for girls and women worldwide. Building off this important international effort, FPAC has launched the #TakeYourPlace campaign, which will highlight women working and making a difference in Canada’s forest products sector.

“We have a growing number of women working in the Canadian forest products industry, and #TakeYourPlace presents an opportunity for us to celebrate the various roles they are playing and the contributions they are making,” said FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor. “We have opportunities and room for all in our sector. As we look at our future workforce, there is no doubt that we are seeing a rich and untapped market of potential female workers – and many of them might not be thinking of a career in the forest products sector. The goal of this campaign is to change that.”

The #TakeYourPlace campaign echoes other active efforts to promote forest sector careers to Canadian women, including the Alberta Forest Product Association’s #WomenInForestry campaign and the Canadian Institute of Forestry’s national action plan to promote gender equity in Canada’s Forest Sector.

Video profiles of women who are changing the face of the industry are available at: www.greenestworkforce.ca.