Women In Forestry

Next-gen leaders: Caity Klaudt

October 14, 2022
By Jennifer Ellson Avatar photo
Presented by:
Wood Business
Women in Forestry

This year marks the 10th edition of CFI’s Top 10 Under 40 award, where we celebrate the bright young champions of our industry. We are very proud to present our industry’s top of the crop – the young leaders, innovators, change-makers, mentors who achieved so much at a young age, inspiring others, and giving back to their communities.

To acknowledge and highlight each winner’s contributions, CFI will feature one of 2022’s winners every week for the next 10 weeks.

This time, we introduce our readers to Caity Klaudt, occupational safety officer for WorkSafeBC at Kamloops, B.C.

Caity is a registered forest technician who currently co-leads WorkSafeBC’s silviculture high risk strategy, where she executes focused and impactful inspections in areas that represent an exceptional risk to workers.

“For Caity, it’s all about ensuring workers go home safely at the end of the day. She is well-respected within the industry and has made a measurable and positive impact because of her commitment,” says her manager Budd Phillips.

The 35-year-old safety expert has been featured numerous times in various media, has authored many articles about safety, and presented extensively at industry events.

Described as an amazing human being by her friend Collette Donnelly, Caity is involved in programs that give local school kids hands-on experience in the industry, as well as initiatives towards improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in forestry—including advancing opportunities for women.

The University of Guelph alumnae completed the forest technology program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Next week we will showcase the achievements of winner Maxence Otis.